3DCenter Filter Tester

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DE [Deutsche Version]

Released on: 2009/10/27
Version 1.1 (für Windows Vista und 7)

The 3DCenter Filter Tester helps in judging the quality of a GPU's anisotropic filtering

3DCenter Filter Tester
3DCenter Filter Tester

System Requierments: Please read before downloading

  • A Direct3D 10 capable graphics adapter (Radeon HD 2000 or better, GeForce 8 or better, others untested)
  • Windows Vista or 7 required.


  • Comparision between reference implementation and TMU filtering
  • Reference implementation with up to 512xAF
  • Different gradient calculation modes in the reference implementation ("R200", "R300" and circular mode)
  • Switch between TMU rendering, reference rendering and split screen
  • Plane or traditional tunnel with rotatable camera
  • Screenshot sequence generator for comparision video production
  • Adjustable texture parameters (movement, lod bias, scaling, AF level)